Chad Fowler

Chad Fowler

Author, technologist, consultant, speaker, teacher, musician, organizer


I’m Chad Fowler. I write books, write and play music, write software, speak, teach, learn, organize conferences, etc.


I started and co-organized a couple of Ruby-related conferences including The International Ruby Conference and RailsConf.

Presentations by Chad Fowler:

  • Rails Israel 2013 Conference, Wednesday, October 9, 2013, 09:10

    Large software projects stand a slim chance of ever being finished. Compared to work created in other fields, the ones that do survive lead very short lives. It's not uncommon for a building to stand well over a hundred years. Music is still relevant hundreds of years after it's created.

    Even automobiles provide decades of use. But as software developers, we're extremely lucky if we create something which doesn't have to be replaced within five to ten years. How do we as software developers create software that can survive? What can we learn from surviving artifacts in other fields?

    ֿThis talk will explore the idea that, like living organisms, the key to a long lasting system is that its components are constantly replaced.  


  • Rails Israel 2013 Conference, Wednesday, October 9, 2013, 16:00

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