Benjamin Fleischer works in Chicago for SK Intertainment, a company whose portfolio includes Mr. Skin (, a website that makes available NSFW media clips on a subscription basis. You may recognize Mr. Skin as a plot element in the film Knocked Up. Yes, we're real.
Presentations by Benjamin Fleischer:
Rails Israel 2013 Conference, Wednesday, October 9, 2013, 15:10
YAML (YAML Ain't Markup Language) has been a structured data format frequently used in of Ruby development for some time. It has many useful features that often go unnoticed.
Its ability to store serialized objects has recently made much news in the form of very serious vulnerabilities in the Rails framework.
In this talk, we will explore ways of using YAML beyond a simple store of arrays and hashes of data, as well as the risks and benefits of doing so. We will discuss YAML databases, configuration files, conversion into and from Ruby objects, incompatibilities between parsers (Syck and Psych) and the reasons for them, and some gotchas. Some reference will be made to YAML libraries in Ruby and other languages.
More Speakers at Rails Israel 2013
Xavier Noria
Rails Core, Ruby Hero -
Yehuda Katz
Ember.js, Rails and jQuery Core, Ruby Hero -
Uri Nativ
VP Engineering & Site ManagerKlarna -
André Arko
Author of the jquery-rails gem, Leads the Bundler core team -
Chad Fowler
Author, technologist, consultant, speaker, teacher, musician, organizer6Wunderkinder -
Erez Dickman
Head of EngineeringeBay Israel Innovation Center -
Dotan Nahum
Chief ArchitectConduit -
João M. D. Moura
Senior Software -
Boris Dinkevich -
Hector Bustillos
Senior Software EngineerCrowd Interactive -
Emily Stolfo
Maintainer of the MongoDB Ruby DriverMongoDB -
David Bonilla
Atlassian Ambassador -
Krzysztof Knapik
Tech LeadLunar Logic -
Yonatan Bergman
Mobile Engineering ManagerPayPal -
Raphael Fogel
Organiser of #DevconTLV & #RailsIsraelCode4WD -
פלי הנמר
יזם ומנהיגPeople & Computers -
Reuven M. Lerner
Lerner Consulting -
Nitzan Aviram
Tech LeadNatural Intelligence -
Alex Koppel
eSpark -
Daniel Schierbeck
Zendesk -
Case Taintor