Krzysztof is a passionate software developer, who has been using Rails since 2006. Ruby and Javascript enthusiast constantly cruising between backend and frontend.

Open source lover and actively involved in the local Ruby community - he’s a  Ruby i18n collaborator and Krakow Ruby Users Group (the first Ruby users group in Poland) co-organizer.

He likes to take a break from programming to explore other countries and cultures - travelling lets him refresh the mind and gain new insights and ideas.

Presentations by Krzysztof Knapik:

  • Rails Israel 2013 Conference, Wednesday, October 9, 2013, 16:35

    MongoDB - a powerful NoSQL database used as an efficient mail queue system, together with ruby, together with rails, as successful relationship ♥.

    I would like to tell you why we decided to use mongodb for that, how we did that and and how it works in a real word - in a production rails app sending thousands emails per day.

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