Presentations by Nitzan Aviram:

  • Rails Israel 2013 Conference, Wednesday, October 9, 2013, 17:05

    Let’s that say you want to create an Admin App. that manages models in the “scaffold” way with your own look & feel.

    Scaffold can be customized but is not DRY,
    Rails-Admin/Active-Admin doesn’t give you full control over the html and controllers code.

    Do it your self, but DRY it up.
    Inherited-Resources will help you to DRY up the controllers.
    Simple Forms/Formtastic will help you to DRY up you forms.
    Tabletastic will help you to DRY up you index pages.
    Drapper will help you reuse and decouple view logic via OO.

    And I will show you how all those can play together nicely!

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